Cicer Aretinum – Chickpeas, originally from the East, were one of man's first foods; today they are very common in the Middle East and in India in whose diets they are a basic element. They lend themselves to the preparation of tasty soups, used in combination with pasta, as side dishes or purées. Di Nunzio chickpeas are grown in Puglia in the upper Tavoliere della Daunia area, particularly in the grounds surrounding the municipality of San Paolo di Civitate.
Nutritional properties
White chickpeas are very rich in protein and fiber, they are useful for heart health and against cholesterol. They therefore help to regularize the intestine. Thanks to their content of omega 3 fatty acids they are valid allies of the cardiovascular system; they contribute, in fact, to control blood pressure and to increase the values of HDL cholesterol, the so-called good one, reducing the levels of LDL, the bad cholesterol.
With this flour I discovered a winning recipe, that is, vegetable burgers!
The chickpea flour of Legumi del Tavoliere has all the flavor of my beloved land of Puglia, living far away makes me remember the genuine flavors of the south.
Pugliese taste