Cicer Aretinum – Chickpeas, originally from the East, were one of man's first foods; they are now widespread in the Middle East and India in whose diets they are a basic element. They lend themselves to the preparation of tasty soups, used in combination with pasta, as side dishes or purées. Di Nunzio chickpeas are grown in Puglia in the upper Tavoliere della Daunia area, particularly in the grounds surrounding the municipality of San Paolo di Civitate.
How to heat the product:
• In a traditional pan;
• In a water bath by immersing the bag in hot water and heating it for 5 minutes;
• In the microwave, pour into a plate and heat for 3 minutes at 750 W.
Chickpeas salade
Ingredients for 4 people:
• 400 gr Precooked chickpeas
• 150 gr black olives
• 3 carrots
• chopped parsley
• 2 spring onions
• 1 clove of garlic
• half lemon juice
• 2 C of cumin
• 2 c strong paprika
• 1 ground pepper
• 3 C extra virgin olive oil
• 1 c of salt
Grate the carrots, slice the onions very fine. stone and cut the olives.
Mix all the ingredients, including the cooked chickpeas and parsley, in a large bowl.
Prepare the vinaigrette by adding the oil to the other ingredients a little at a time, mixing with a whisk to emulsify everything. Pour the vinaigrette over the chickpea salad, mix well, cover and leave to rest in a cool place for at least an hour before serving.