100% legumes
Phaseolus Vulgaris – The beans, already known to the Egyptian communities, were enriched with new varieties in the sixteenth century, following the discovery of America. One of the fundamental dishes of traditional peasant cuisine due to the high content of iron and phosphorus. Being nutritious, energetic and restorative, they are suitable for anemics and asthenic people. The nutritional contents are reported in the “nutritional contents” section. Di Nunzio beans are grown in Argentina, Canada and Egypt by leading local production companies.
Beans are very nutritious and, rich in vitamins A, B, C, and E, they also contain minerals and trace elements, such as potassium, iron, calcium, zinc and phosphorus. The fats are quantitatively marginal but of good quality, ie they tend to be unsaturated and with a good percentage of essential polyunsaturated; among the lipids appear other very useful elements such as phytosterols and lecithins.
Nutritional Information