Pisum Sativum – Peas, since ancient times, have always represented a source of nourishment for all populations and together with beans they have been the most consumed foods. Peas already grew spontaneously 9750 years before the Christian era; cultivated peas, on the other hand, originate from China, but were also cultivated by the Greeks and Romans who, after the conquest, also introduced them to Europe. In England, during the Middle Ages they were used as wages for the poor and in France they were the basis of food. Peas are also excellent in the fight against extra pounds especially if eaten as a single dish together with rice or pasta and followed by raw or cooked vegetables because they have the property to satiate for a long time. They are also excellent in pastes or creams, but in these ways dietary fiber is reduced; they go well with chicken, sautéed meat, lard and soup. The nutritional contents are reported in the “nutritional contents” section. Di Nunzio peas are grown in Puglia in the upper Tavoliere della Daunia area, particularly in the grounds surrounding the municipality of San Paolo di Civitate. The range is completed by peas grown in Canada and Holland by leading local production companies.
Come riscaldare il prodotto:
• In padella tradizionale; • A bagnomaria immergendo la busta in acqua calda e riscaldarla per 5 minuti; • In microonde versando in un piatto e riscaldare per 3 minuti a 750 W.Pasta with peas and ham
Chop the carrot and onion and sauté in which we will cook the precooked peas, then turn off the heat and use an immersion blender to blend a part - of the peas to obtain the cream.
Cook the pasta al dente.
Fry the diced ham with olive oil until golden brown and then add the pasta and sauté for 2 minutes.
Combine the peas and the cream with the pasta and the diced ham still hot.
Sprinkle with mixed pepper.