Cicer Aretinum – Chickpeas, originally from the East, were one of man's first foods; today they are very common in the Middle East and in India in whose diets they are a basic element. They lend themselves to the preparation of tasty soups, used in combination with pasta, as side dishes or purées. Di Nunzio chickpeas are grown in Puglia in the upper Tavoliere della Daunia area, particularly in the grounds surrounding the municipality of San Paolo di Civitate.
A visual check is recommended after use given the naturalness of the product. Wash the product and soak it for about 6 hours.
Drain the water and cook for about 30/40 minutes.
Chickpea soup from San Paolo
Ingredients for 4 people:
• 300 gr of Giant White Chickpeas of San Paolo
• 350 gr of short pasta
• 100 gr of tomato pulp
• extra virgin olive oil
• salt, pepper, rosemary, garlic
Wash the chickpeas and remove any impurities. Soak for 8-10 hours, then rinse and drain. Put the chickpeas in plenty of water, add a pinch of baking soda and cook for about 60 minutes. Subsequently, add the rosemary, garlic, oil, tomato and cook for another 20 minutes. Apart from preparing the pasta, drain it "al dente" and mix everything together. Serve the dish when still hot, seasoned with a drizzle of Apulian extra virgin olive oil. The original recipe calls for a sauté of garlic, tomato and rosemary preserves with a little bacon and ground pepper, with which to flavor the chickpeas before adding the pasta.