100% legumes
Pisum Sativum – Peas, since ancient times, have always represented a source of nourishment for all populations and together with beans they have been the most consumed foods. Peas already grew spontaneously 9750 years before the Christian era; cultivated peas, on the other hand, originate from China, but were also cultivated by the Greeks and Romans who, after the conquest, also introduced them to Europe. In England, during the Middle Ages they were used as wages for the poor and in France they were the basis of food.
Thanks to the potassium and magnesium content, as well as the ability to reduce “bad” cholesterol levels, peas are also useful for the health of the heart and the circulatory system. "They contribute to the prevention of heart disease, also by virtue of folic acid and vitamin B6 which, specifically, act as anticoagulants."
Nutritional information